Friday, July 06, 2007

halftime report


Now that it's day 187, I figure it's about time to do a slightly belated halftime report.

Clearly, I've been less than regular in keeping up with this project (I don't think I've been updating daily since February) and I wonder whether massive updates like those of this past week defeat the entire purpose: to be more diligent about drawing.
So for the second half of the year, I want to come up with ways to vary up the pace so that I'd be forced to post at least a few times every week. Maybe certain days will be assigned themed dkmon, for example on Sketch Sundays, one could always expect to see life-like characters. And after spending an hour perusing through Overheard in NY today, I definitely want to devote a day to dkmon inspired by quotes pulled from the site...I mean, don't you automatically start visualizing those people who say the darndest things?

I also want to start writing more substantial posts on art-related topics, though I've been playing with the idea of starting another blog to keep track of other art projects and wonder whether discussions on the creative process, etc. might be more relevant there.

Anyway, you'll be seeing some changes in the next few weeks while I play with new ideas on how to trick myself into being disciplined, so bear with me!

Here's to a fitter, happier, more productive second half!

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